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4.8 - 160 reviews

Rachel P.

CoPilot personal trainer since 2023
Rachel P.
Hi! I'm Coach Rachel. I believe in reimagining wellness as an active pursuit, as freedom, as adventure, and as a self-love story. I want people to be inspired about living, and I am a passionate advocate for your health--even on the days you're not. I have 20 years' experience building strong bodies, hearts and minds. Some of my focus areas are in senior fitness, mindfulness, mobility, nutrition, kettlebells, strongman, and women's health. Health is personal, and my goal is to put you in the driver's seat while I help you navigate.
Functional Aging Specialist
15+ Years Personal Training Experience
8+ Years Pain Free Performance Specialist
Functional Aging Specialist
Integrative Health Coaching
Women's Health/Strength Training
Being Outdoors
America - Denver
More about
Rachel P.
More about Rachel P.
Additional specialties:
Mental wellness
Mobility & flexibility
Reducing fatigue
Strength training
Weight management
Additional experience:
Plus-size populations
Older populations
Testimonials for
Rachel P.
I love how adaptable and accommodating my coach at CoPilot has been, providing a fantastic kick start into new programs and habits tailored to my needs. Moreover, their friendly can-do attitude is immensely encouraging, making the quick transition from discovering the app to beginning the workouts seamless and comfortable.
CoPilot client since Dec 23, 2023
CoPilot client since
CoPilot client since
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